As the October half term holiday approaches, families could be searching for the ideal place to jet off to, which could see them head to a Spanish property for a break.

In its top ten tips for a great place for a half term holiday, Travelbite suggested visiting a Spanish property in the city of Murcia.

The area is good for shopping, the site noted, and could also prove to be an ideal base for exploring historical sites around the city, including Baroque Cathedral, Almudi Palace and the castle of Monteagudo.

As well as this, a visit to the Costa Dorada could give families on a half term getaway good access to areas of Spain popular with tourists, the site said, going on to note that the area is only half an hour away from Barcelona by car.

Staying in Spanish property in Barcelona could be ideal for those hoping to visit the La Sagrada Familia, Gaudi’s famous unfinished cathedral.

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