Many of us dream of moving to France and becoming self-sufficient, and here we meet a couple who have done just that.


Article written The Overseas Guides Company

Alexis Goldberg, resident of France’s Languedoc and author of the, chats to fellow expats John and Kate Coates, who run a local gîte business.

How did you end up choosing to buy in the Languedoc?

We knew the area because Kate’s mum owns a place in the Corbieres, where we used to come and stay. When we decided to buy a B&B, we first considered England until somebody suggested looking in the south of France. We loved the area and knew there was potential in most places to create or buy an existing business due to the amount of activities in the region and its history.

How much research into gîte businesses did you do?

We decided to consider only existing businesses so as not to clash with existing gîtes or overcrowd the local village, and the potential of earnings. We looked at advertising sites and what they would expect for visitors and worked from there.

How long did it take you to find the property?

Two years.

What was your experience of property agents in France?

Actually, ours was a family friend who would research the market, ring when she had three or four for us to look at and then we would fly over, so overall it was good.

How are you coping with speaking French?

We had lessons beforehand but found when we arrived the pronunciation is different and struggled at first. I [John] speak it okay whereas Kate understands it better so together we are fine. We are looking at lessons at some point, but we learn from the locals which is really good.

What are the pluses of living in France compared to the UK?

After living in Nottingham for years, we especially notice the weather and slower pace of life.

Have there been any minuses?

Lots of paperwork to get started and shops closing at certain times, although we’re used to it now.

How long has it taken to establish your business?

This is our second year which has been great and hopefully next year will be to our expectations – the profit maker. We’re called Gîtes de Liberte and situated between Carcassonne and Narbonne in the Aude department – our website is

Looking back on your move, is there anything you would have done differently?

We would have moved into the house and rented our big apartment out, and researched how to do French paperwork. Advice we would pass on for others thinking of opening a gîte business, would include to ensure you have good access and amenities – as it’s self-catering guests will need to buy essential items, research what other businesses there are locally – you don’t want to flood the market – and look at the style and quality of other businesses, and try to do something different. Look at trip advisor or Gîtes de France too, to get an idea of customer expectations and what you would need to get stars or corns (hairdryers, washing machine etc.).

For details of gîtes and all other types of property for sale in France visit the French listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when buying in France, or moving there, is to use a currency exchange specialist when transferring your pounds into euros. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone or contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in France, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘France Property Buying Guide’


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