Head to property in Italy and learn a new skillBritons unhappy in their current career may want to consider spending a year in property in Italy and reskilling themselves for a different job.

While gap years may traditionally be associated with students taking 12 months' holiday before starting university, this image is not the full story.

Adam Pembrey, marketing manager at overseas expeditions arranger Gapforce, explains that an increasing number of over-30s are taking time out to reassess their lifestyle.

"We get a lot more enquiries from people over 30 just looking for a career change because one thing you can do on a gap year is become qualified," he says.

His comments could inspire some people to consider a year in property in Italy, known for its specialism in automobile design, fashion and cuisine, among other industries.

The country is currently also innovating in renewable technologies, including ways of linking its islands – particularly Sardinia – to the mainland green energy grid.

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