A new eco-city plan has been unveiled that will see a new settlement in south-west Florida run entirely on solar energy.

Babcock Ranch, which will have 19,500 homes, will have its electricity produced by a 75MW solar generator, which will produce more power for the national grid than the population will use in a day.

Although the settlement will have to rely on conventional power sources in the evenings, this would mean that the net effect would be to create a solar city.

Speaking to the Miami Herald, developer Syd Kitson said: ”We’re out to prove that it works economically and it’s the right thing to do for the long-term solutions in this country.”

Those keen on investing in Florida property may be interested in installing some green energy sources such as solar panels themselves.

Amendment three to the state constitution was passed in November last year, ensuring that property owners would not be charged higher property taxes based on the increased value of their homes resulting from the installation of renewable energy devices.