Those investing in Florida property and the US as a whole trust the market more than many other overseas locations, it has been suggested.

Director at Mayfair International Realty Annette Reeve said investors are attracted across the Atlantic because of the way the country is governed, the accessibility and the recent falls in price.

"I still think people probably trust the US more than they do large parts of Europe," she commented.

Ms Reeve said Florida property seekers may particularly be attracted to Miami "because you can fly straight in to Miami airport from virtually all of the airports here", a factor she said has meant it has always been a "favourite" with investors.

Miami’s property market is improving because a lot of lower-paid workers are able to take advantage of new government assistance schemes to help them get on the housing ladder, she observed.

The most recent Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices suggested that there may be many bargains to be found in Miami.

It revealed that the average price in the city was 29.5 per cent less in February this year than in the same month in 2008.

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