One of the main locations in the Florida property market has one of the highest numbers of vacant new homes in the US, a new study has revealed.

Figures from housing research firm Metrostudy have shown that Orlando is one of the most affected cities with an 11.7 month supply of such homes, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Commenting on the situation, Metrostudy’s chief economist Brad Hunter said: "The higher the months of supply, the greater the downward pressure on starts and prices."

He placed the city alongside Las Vegas, San Diego and southern California as among the most affected parts of the US.

Such a situation could provide a good supply of cheap new homes for Florida property investors to buy.

Last November the company said that Orlando’s new homes market will recover, with the increasing number of households being a factor.

However, it predicted this would be happening from late 2009 onwards, which may suggest investors have a window of opportunity to buy at low prices in the meantime.

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