expertPaul Collins

“I want to emigrate down under but have no idea where to start?” Paul Collins, Editor for the Buy Association covers the things to consider at the beginning of the process…

This is always a tricky question to answer as the response tends to vary from person to person. However, I would say that the first thing to do is to make sure this is exactly what you want. Many people have a long-held dream of emigrating to the other side of the world, while others make the decision based on a shorter period of time or a specific event that prompts them into action. Whatever your reasons, it is vital when making such a huge change to your life that you sit down rationally and consider all of the aspects of the move. Will you be happy living so far away from family and friends? What are you going to do to for work? Will you be able to participate in the leisure activities of your choosing? Are you planning to live in the city or the country?

For many people considering moving to Australia or New Zealand, the aim is as much a change of lifestyle as it is a change of scenery, and it is essential that you are able to dovetail the dreams of your new lifestyle with the realities of daily life, work and accessibility of services. Loneliness and the inability to adapt to a new way of life are two of the main causes of people returning to the UK after emigrating, so try to take the opportunity to spend extended periods of time in your chosen destination before you move. Rent a property rather than staying in a hotel, and try to live as if you are a resident for a while. At least that way you won’t suddenly arrive as a complete stranger in a new town.

The next consideration is location – Australia is a huge country with varied climates, cultures and lifestyles across its different regions, so it is vitally important to make sure you choose where to live carefully. New Zealand isn’t quite so large, but much of the country is rural and can be quite remote. In both Australia and New Zealand there can be significant distances between towns with the most basic services – while it might be your dream to live in the middle of the countryside, make sure you are prepared to travel for a couple of hours to reach the local shops, schools or hospitals.

Next comes the paperwork – if you are planning to emigrate completely to Australia or New Zealand, making sure you can get a visa is at least as important as finding a property. You will need to be organised, have all of your paperwork in order and will likely need some outside assistance to make sure you are applying for the right things at the right time. There are various companies which can help you in the visa application process, and as there are a number of different routes you can take through the application, their advice can be invaluable.

Finally, you will then be able to start looking for the property in which you can begin your new life! The paperwork doesn’t necessarily end there, however. All foreign buyers of property in Australia must pass the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) in order to purchase their property – again there are plenty of companies who can help you through this process and make sure your paperwork is all in order. Once that is out of the way, you are well on the path to your new life Down Under!

You can find more information about emigrating to Australia in our Australia buying guide or on the Buy Association website