Britons buying property in France are favoured by a number of advantageous elements, including an attractive lifestyle, food and culture, exhibitors at the French Property Exhibition in London have said.

Representatives of companies, including those selling Brittany property, said the lower costs and the stable property market are also major advantages for UK buyers.

Terry Lucas of French property specialist firm VEF said: "They [buyers] know it’s a stable market, they know they can sell again if they want to."

He added that accessibility was also a positive, noting: "France is the only country that you can still drive to."

Being located in the north of the country, Brittany is easily accessed by ferry or Channel Tunnel.

Earlier this month Air France said it is planning to launch a train service through the tunnel that can run up to 38 mph quicker than the current Eurostar trains, something that could help people reach Brittany even faster.

It is seeking to start its own service when the Eurostar monopoly on services ends in 2010.

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