There are plenty of bargains now for those seeking to buy real estate in Spain, an expert has said, something that may interest those particularly keen on Costa del Sol property.

Director of property portal Nubricks Adam Samuel said that the market in Spain has seen prices falling before the world economic crisis began, with this decline having fed into pricing.

He commented: "Now there’s quite a lot of distressed or below market value properties on the market, while you’re seeing up to 50 per cent reduction in price."

Mr Samuel added that this has brought more buyers out as even in a crisis there are people hunting for bargains, which in this case are "becoming available".

Such bargain hunters may include those looking for cut price Costa del Sol property.

Earlier this month said now is the best time to invest in Costa del Sol property as the number of bargains may diminish, with large investor firms poised to enter the market later in the year.

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