It’s not hard to notice how the temperatures have risen this year in Cyprus we have seen over 45% degrees saying it has been hot is an understatement and that’s just a start!

Article written by A&G Kouzali Law Office via Marriott Property Investments

Each year the temperatures are going to rise and each year water is going to get more scarce and we are going to suffer…WHY? Because the issue of eco-logical issues, carbon emissions and energy saving has all been put on the back burner. We are so consumed with today’s social pressures no one is thinking about tomorrow, which also means we are not thinking about the lives of our children and there children and so on.

The earth and climate are very importante to us. We do not want to go thirsty and experience famine and we do not want this for our children either. Therefore, we have partnered with Marriott Property Developers to devise eco-logical developments that pose no or very little harm to the climate and are built from natural materials such as wood but also give the purchaser luxury and contemporary living.

We have had enough of the concrete and the lack of sustainable materials being used for building and we are going for gold regarding eco-logical usage.

Even better, we have planned such developments with economic struggles in mind and kept the cost to a complete minimum so the client not only gets an eco-friendly energy saving home or business, along with luxury and contemporary style, but also gets all this for a very affordable price.

Marriott Property Developers specialise in eco-logical building using sustainable materials and we are highly promoting this type of build in Cyprus. Marriott Eco homes are breathtakingly beautiful, the designs are perfection and they look a world away from what we have in Cyprus, which is why we have chosen this company to partner with and promote in Cyprus.

This is an exciting time for the Cyprus property market and we, teamed with Marriott Property Developers promise to spice things up and bring something a little different, safer, and totally top notch for a price one and all can afford.

It is time to change our thinking, living, and make the planet a safer place for our future generations and us!

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