Let’s face it, you’ve been saving for your pension all of your life. Therefore the last thing you want when you retire in the sunshine is to lose the vast majority of it each and every month because you are using a bank, being charged commission on transfers, securing poor rates or all of the above. To avoid expecting a certain payment into your account each month only to discover that poor exchange rates leave you with far less – it is time to consider a different approach for your regular transfers before you make the move.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

As you know, when you move you will be operating in a different currency and items will be priced differently to what you are used to back home. In order to live the comfortable life that you so crave, you need to be able to budget effectively. Utilising the services of a currency company rather than a bank can help you to do this.

Where banks charge fees on international transfers, offer poor rates and transactions that take longer to process, currency experts like Smart Currency Exchange can help you to avoid these things happening to you.

As well as offering a typical saving of 2-4% on the rates that banks offer, all of the traders at Smart aren’t working on commission – that means that all that matters to them is securing you the very best exchange rate – thus ensuring you get the maximum out of your nest egg.

They also understand the importance of regular payments, like pensions, and one great service that they offer is the ability to lock in exchange rates at a rate you are happy to trade at for the future. This means that you will always know what rate you are getting and how much of your pension you will actually see. This is particularly useful when you need to budget.

When planning your move to the sunshine, ensure you won’t have to face any unnecessary worries by giving Smart Currency Exchange a call. No matter how early along you are in the process of buying or moving abroad, their experienced team can guide you through the process from start to finish ensuring that you don’t fall victim to any of the common pitfalls of transferring currency internationally along the way.

If you are in the midst of moving abroad in order to enjoy your golden years in the sunshine, it makes sense to spend a little time working out how much your pension will be worth in dollars, euros or whichever currency you will be receiving this regular payment in. Working this out will be instrumental to that all-important monthly budget.

Unfortunately many people retiring abroad haven’t considered that there may be a better option for regular payments of this kind other than simply utilising the services of your high street bank. Although reassuringly familiar, transferring currency through your bank can incur costs, take far too long and increase your chances of being negatively affected by fluctuating exchange rates. This means that every month, you will find yourself worriedly checking that balance to see how much you got this time!

Smart Currency Exchange can help you to avoid this and instead, provide you with some certainty so that each month you know what will be coming in to your account. As well as locking in rates, they can set up these regular transfers at an exchange rate that you are happy to trade at so you need never be at risk of being exposed to the volatile currency market.

Arguably the most important part of retiring abroad is to be relaxed and enjoy a better quality of life – if you are constantly worried about the amount of money that you will be losing every month – it may be hard to really relax.

You can get a completely free of charge quote from Smart Currency Exchange today which will tell you how much you will get for your money, leaving you to worry about more pressing issues…like if anyone remembered to buy the limes and tonic!

Anyone on the verge of buying abroad, who will need to transfer Sterling to pay for their purchase, should consider using Smart Currency Exchange, as they consistently offer better exchange rates than banks. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone or download Smart’s free report here.

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