With Greece’s debt spiralling rapidly out of control, many Eurozone countries have already poured money into its economy in the hope to prevent a default.

Unfortunately however, it seems that that may not be enough, as Greece is still struggling to repay its debts. If it does default, this will have a huge impact on the other 17 Eurozone countries as well as the global economy.

The fact that so many countries have poured money into Greece, only for it to still be in massive debt, has called for it to be thrown out, or able to leave the Euro in order for the other countries to benefit.

If Greece was to quit the euro, then it would be free to become a more competitive exporter, and a more attractive tourist destination. Greece would still however be in debt and it would be a long hard struggle being reliant on handouts from other countries. Greek people would also be forced to pay higher prices for imported goods.

It is not yet known how likely it is that Greece will leave the Eurozone, and many economists are divided on the issue. Many believe that it would be so disastrous to the economies within the Eurozone that Greece could never leave. Others believe that it can’t be ruled out completely.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Greece, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Greece Property Buying Guide