Those who call the Costa del Sol home are being urged to keep their eyes peeled and stay away from waterways after it has been confirmed that a seven foot crocodile is on the loose in the east of Marbella.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Officers from “Seprona”, a special nature protection unit have jumped into action and have confirmed the rumours of the presence of the prehistoric beast after unearthing footprints amongst the undergrowth beside Majada Vieja – an area of man-made lakes located just off the coast.

Danger signs have been plastered across the area, which is a popular walking spot, with the warning “Grave Danger! Crocodile on the loose”.

Worried authorities who are unsurprisingly keen to snare the reptile before disaster strikes called upon a crocodile expert from nearby Torremolinos who examined the tracks and said that the crocodile is likely to be between 12-18 years of age and weighing around 70kilos.

Needless to say, residents are up in arms, but the crocodile expert was quick to say that as temperatures are relatively low at present the crocodiles will be slow which fortunately means that it doesn’t need to feed. For this reason, in theory it should not pose a risk to humans unless they stumble upon it by chance in the undergrowth. He did issue a disturbing warning that it needs to be caught fast because as it starts to get warmer, it will start hunting.

You would think that people would be avoiding the area at all costs but it seems that everyone is keen to catch a glimpse of the “Costa Croc” and have been flocking to the lakelands in the hope that they will catch a glimpse of this enormous tropical critter.

So where did it come from? Well experts believe that it has probably been released into the wild by an exotic pet collector after growing too big and becoming unmanageable.

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