Those who enjoy a good carnival may often lament when it has finished that it’s all over for another year all too quickly, but that will not be the case in the Tuscan town of Viarregio in February and March.

Buyers of Tuscany property can enjoy weekend after weekend of fun as the carnival processes through the town on the dates of February 8th, 15th, 22nd and 24th, plus March 1st.

The event is famous for its huge papier mache puppets, lovingly made and paraded by locals who have enjoyed this event down the years, with many of these being effigies of politicians and other famous personalities.

Such traditions may be part of what attracts Tuscany p?roperty buyers to the region, which has a wealth of history, art and culture.

These features include the city of Siena, which Discovery Tuscany has stated is probably the most attractive medieval city in the whole of Italy.

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