Until recently Cape Verde was virtually undiscovered by tourists. With its crystal clear, emerald green waters, this beautiful secluded island remains an untouched and idyllic haven for anyone looking to escape.

Cape Verde is made even more attractive by its constant, year-round summer weather. The balmy, tropical climate is made more pleasant by the constant presence of trade winds, keeping the temperature at a comfortable 26° average all year.

Set off the coast of Africa, Cape Verde’s diverse locals offer an unusual mix of African, Portuguese and Brazilian cultures which is completely unique to the island. The native languages of Cape Verde are Creole and Portuguese, and the local people welcome guests readily make it easy for those who speak other languages to communicate with them from the outset, with all tourists feel straight away at their ease.

Cape Verde is made up of ten beautifully exotic islands, floating in the wilds of the Atlantic Ocean. Each island is dramatically different – from non-stop chalk-white beaches and tropical greenery to desert-like landscapes with soaring volcanoes. No landscape can be said to be typical of the islands as a whole as each has its own characteristics, ranging from an almost lunar appearance with dunes and unspoiled beaches to lush greenery and a mixture of both, making the islands true jewels of colour set in a clear and picturesque sea.

Although Cape Verde is largely off the international beaten track it can be reached from almost all the main European airports, including those of Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Milan, Munich, Berlin, London, Manchester, and Amsterdam to name but a few.

To enjoy long, relaxing and problem-free holidays all year round, a holiday home is the best solution. When it comes to really enjoying your holiday with those closest to you, owning a holiday home really is the best solution. Plus you can rent it out in the periods when it is not in use. The perfect way to increase the return on your investment, which adds to the sure revaluation of your property, turning money spent on holidays with no return into an efficient investment

In 2007, IMOBRISA became the first Cape Verdean member of the AIPP (www.aipp.org.uk), the association of international property professionals, with its protocols that ensure guarantees for clients on the purchasing of properties. Imobrisa has been recently awarded with the prestigious International Property Award (www.propertyaward.net) in the African continent’s Best Apartment category (2008). Lastly, it is also a founder member of PROMITUR (www.promitur.org.cv), an association of the tourist property developers in which it holds the position of tax consultant

Please, feel free to come in our office to talk to us about your Cape Verde property search. We are facing the central square of Santa Maria on Sal Island.

Contact Imobrisa here
