The results of a Canadian national census conducted back in 2011 have revealed just how diverse a nation Canada is. The results demonstrated that the nation’s diversity is seen across a range of cultural areas including language, ethnicity and religion.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

So what are the driving factors contributing to the diversity of the North American country? Well, it seems it is a combination of two things; federal policies encouraging multiculturalism and a highly active immigration system which welcomes thousands of foreign nationals into the country each and every year.

The census set the population at roughly 34 million and stated that it is made up of over 200 ethnicities. It also stated that, as you would expect, ethnic diversity is more pronounced in Canada’s urban centres.

Canada’s multicultural outlook is supported in a number of legal acts which aim to promote respect and acceptance of all races and cultures and because of this, they are globally recognised for their success in encouraging cultures to live harmoniously side-by-side. Contrary to policies of assimilation common in other developed countries, Canada encourages all newcomers to hold onto the culture of their home country whilst learning to settle in the new surroundings.

The results of the census not only prove Canada’s standing as a tolerant and equal democratic society but demonstrate a commitment to attracting the values and skills that residents from other countries can bring.

For details of properties for sale in Canada, visit the Canadian listings on Rightmove Overseas. Preparation for anyone considering a move to Canada should include planning for the transfer of your pounds into Canadian dollars. For information on how to do this safely and save money when doing so – giving you more to spend on shopping – speak to currency exchange specialist Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Canada, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Canada Property Buying Guide

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