It’s little wonder so many Brits are moving to Australia and Canada – seven of the world’s top ten most desirable cities to live in are located in one of these two countries.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Melbourne in Oz is officially the most liveable city in the world, according to the recently released 2013 Liveability Survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the third year running the city has held the top spot. Canada’s Vancouver was ranked third, to the Austria capital Vienna in second. Australia’s Adelaide (6), Sydney (7) and Perth (9) and Canada’s Toronto (4) and Calgary (5) also made the top ten, with New Zealand’s Auckland in ranked 10. The other top ten ‘outsider’ was Helsinki in Finland.

The Economist Intelligence Unit scores cities around the world on a number of criteria, grouped under five categories, namely Stability, Healthcare, Culture and environment, Education and Infrastructure. In total the Liveability Survey assesses 140 cities worldwide.

So what’s so special about Melbourne, which also was recently listed as runner-up in a quality of living survey ran by Monocle magazine? The city achieved perfect scores from the EIU in education, infrastructure and healthcare, primarily due to the world-class infrastructure there, which receives on-going investment and development.

Melbourne attracts people from all over the world, ensuring a steady supply of skilled workers, giving it a talented workforce and competitive business environment. It has always been renowned for a vibrant multicultural community and offering a great quality of life. It’s also regarded as “Australia’s sporting capital” and offers world class sporting events, in addition to great leisure and shopping opportunities.

Meanwhile, Vancouver in Canada is also popular for its multi-cultured communities and employment opportunities, combined with its exciting outdoors lifestyle – its coastline offers all types of water sports and sailing, but it is only a short drive from one of the world’s most acclaimed ski resorts, Whistler.

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