The British countryside is what expats most miss about their native country, according to a recent survey, with the British sense of humour being the next thing Brits living abroad miss.

Expats living in the United Arab Emirates missed the British countryside the most, as well as UK arts and culture. Those in Spain miss sarcasm and orderly queuing, both receiving 20 per cent of votes each, as well as having a nice cup of tea, which scored 16 per cent.

British pubs came third on the list with a vote of 41 per cent, after the Lloyds TSB International survey looked at 1,034 British expats living abroad. Unsurprisingly, politics and weather are the least missed aspects of British life. That said, those now living in South Africa have said they miss the political system in the UK.

Nicholas Boys Smith from Lloyds TSB International said: “Often you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone so it speaks glowingly of our countryside that expats around the world miss it so much… Many expats have an element of the adventurer about them, but they still long for certain aspects of British life that some people here might take for granted.”

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