Interest in property in the USA grew the most out of any other country during 2011, driven by Florida’s depressed property market and a dollar investment becoming more attractive than investing in the turbulent Eurozone, according to a leading information provider.

An end of year report by The Overseas Guides Company (OGC), which produces guides and offers advice on buying abroad, showed enquiries for the USA grew to 13.3 per cent of total enquiries during Q4 of last year from just 3.62 per cent in Q1. While France remained the most popular country at OGC, accounting for around 25 per cent of enquiries, it showed no real growth. Overall, enquiries into OGC during Q4 2011 increased 35 per cent year-on-year.

Other countries that recorded growth in popularity during 2011 included New Zealand, Australia and Turkey. Cyprus showed the most noticeable drop in share of enquiries, namely from 15.41 per cent in Q2 to 4.28 per cent in Q4.

Richard Way, Editor of said: “What stands out for us at OGC is the continued interest in buying overseas property. The unprecedented price drops in a number of countries, noticeably Spain, Portugal and Florida, have attracted buyers who could not afford to buy abroad before the downturn, or simply were put off by the prices. Further to that, as other forms of investment have become less attractive in terms of ROI and risk, people have considered investing in something that not only offers a potential long-term capital gain but which they can also get pleasure from, that’s to say a holiday home somewhere warm.”

For details of property for sale in America, visit the USA listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when buying in the USA is to use a currency specialist when transferring your pounds into dollars to complete the purchase of your property. For more information on this, contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in America, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘USA Property Buying Guide