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So far mathieu has created 2836 blog entries.

What is Country Sponsorship?

The most prominent banner package we offer, putting your artwork in 5 different locations on the website, delivering maximum exposure. It ensures that your brand is dominant in your key markets and your company is one of the first buyers see. You can link these banners to your own website, to your listings, or even [...]

By |2012-02-20T11:27:25+01:00February 27th, 2012|Articles|

Tax facts for expats in the USA

While millionaire presidential running candidate, Mitt Romney, shocked the nation recently when his most recent tax records showed him paying a tax rate of only 15 per cent of his income, you may be wondering if you too can work the American tax system to your advantage. You may well benefit if you play your [...]

By |2012-02-24T18:12:39+01:00February 26th, 2012|Articles|

Turkey’s for life, not just holidays

Did you know that an estimated 35,000 British people now own property in Turkey and a growing number of these are residents in the country. The appeal of living in Turkey is obvious: very affordable property, sunshine, a low cost of living, pretty seaside resorts and constantly improving air access from the UK. This week [...]

By |2018-11-15T18:33:06+01:00February 26th, 2012|Articles|

Expats in Spain add Olympics tickets to shopping list

While large numbers of people in the UK have failed to get tickets for the London Olympics later this year, expats in Spain can secure them simply by walking into a high street store. Reports from Spain reveal there are plenty of tickets to some of the more popular Olympic events still available there – [...]

By |2012-02-24T17:04:56+01:00February 25th, 2012|Articles|

NZ – where second hand often isn’t cheaper

If you’re in two minds about what to take with you when you move to New Zealand, be warned that second-hand furniture is not cheap there and you are likely to be better off shipping items from the UK.   Only those who travel really light are going to be able to move to New [...]

By |2018-11-15T18:07:46+01:00February 25th, 2012|Articles|

SMART charts

Tracking the pound against key currencies. Further quantitative easing worth £50 billion – which, in short, dilutes the strength of our currency - announced last week, combined with a hike in unemployment and the threat of a return to negative growth continue to hinder the pound from making any significant, or long-standing, gains against other [...]

By |2012-02-24T11:38:57+01:00February 24th, 2012|Articles|

Rightmove Overseas interviews Mark Sharp, CEO of the AIPP

Mark Sharp stopped by our office a few weeks ago to provide helpful advice to consumers on buying property overseas safely and to promote the 2012 version of the new AIPP Buying Guide. See Mark’s interview below and if you’re planning to buy a property overseas in the next year, the AIPP’s guide is an [...]

By |2012-02-24T16:44:23+01:00February 24th, 2012|Articles|

Beziers to get busier

Getting to the increasingly popular Languedoc region in the south of France will get much easier this spring with the launch of a twice-weekly Ryanair flight between Manchester and Beziers, which kicks off on March 26th, and a new Flybe route there from Southampton, starting on May 25th. Beziers is in the Aude department of [...]

By |2012-02-24T10:39:30+01:00February 24th, 2012|Articles|

Australians show some national pride

Nearly 14,000 residents, many of whom British migrants, officially became Australian citizens last month, during ceremonies around the country that took place on Australia Day (January 26). While Australia’s national day is the most popular date of the year for citizenship ceremonies, it is increasingly popular for existing citizens to celebrate the day by taking [...]

By |2012-02-22T18:13:27+01:00February 23rd, 2012|Articles|

Investment properties in the United States

Have you always dreamed of owning a holiday home in the United States? Well now is the perfect time to make that dream come true. Whether you are looking to make a shrewd investment to generate maximum rental income, or you are looking to find your dream holiday home, with prices low and rents high, [...]

By |2012-02-23T17:04:13+01:00February 22nd, 2012|Articles|