Overall, there are a number of very good reasons that have influenced people’s decision to buy property in Australia.

If you had to ask a general question as to why so many people consider moving there, the quick answer would probably be mainly for a better lifestyle, more career opportunities and then let’s not forget the weather!

And these reasons are very important – but it goes a little deeper than that. One of the things that many Brits also find so appealing about moving to Australia is that, by and large, there is no huge language or cultural difference.

This makes an enormous difference to people moving, especially if they have children. Schooling immediately becomes much easier to handle than it otherwise would be in a country that required children (and adults!) to learn a new language and, as a result, the move will not create any traumatic changes for them.

A virtually year round outdoor life is a very tempting prospect too, and it brings with it extra interests such as the simply stunning animal and bird life that is easily accessed. Add to that lovely towns and cities and you have a very enticing destination indeed.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Australia, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Australia Property Buying Guide