Temporary disruption from volcanic ash could make property in Spain easier and more reliable to reach in future yearsThe temporary disruption the Icelandic ash cloud from erupting volcano Eyjafjallajokull caused in terms of reaching property in Spain could leave a lasting legacy of more reliable transport across the continent.

In a meeting to discuss the fallout – both literal and metaphorical – from the eruption, European transport ministers have outlined plans to accelerate initiatives such as the Single European Sky.

This would allow flights to travel directly between points in EU member states, without having to navigate around countries in between.

Benefits mooted for the scheme include the reduced emissions and fuel consumption, faster flight times and generally reduced journey times for passengers.

Along with this, alternative means of reaching property in Spain and other EU member states are to be developed to allow a rapid response should any future disturbances occur to air travel due to volcanic eruptions.

The EU’s transport ministers, in a meeting presided over by Spain’s minister for public works Jose Blanco Lopez, agreed that a "robust and interlinked European transport system" is a key element in preparing for any future disruption.

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