If you have been desperately searching for a way to fulfil your dreams of emigrating to Canada, recent developments could spell good things for those of you with the right skills.

Article written by Overseas Guides Company

It was announced this week that a pilot scheme designed to entice highly skilled foreign workers has been expanded to include more professions.

The scheme has been put into place in the province of Alberta, which includes the cities of Calgary and Edmonton, due to severe labour shortages. The area is desperate for foreigners with the right talents to come over and fill the abundance of vacancies which are causing delays in major construction projects.

The recent expansion of the list of jobs included follows on from last year’s introduction of the Temporary Foreign Worker Annex. The programme was launched with the intention of making it easier for people with specific skills to relocate to the province. At the time the skills listed were professions such as steam and pipe fitters but it has now been expanded to include welders, heavy duty equipment mechanics, carpenters, surveyors, iron workers and industrial mechanics.

Through the programme, foreign workers will be issued with a work permit that allows them to move freely between Alberta employers. The Canadian Government has estimated that the province could be short of more than 100,000 – so now’s your time to act!

For details of properties for sale in Canada, visit the Canada listings on Rightmove Overseas. Preparation for anyone considering a move to Canada should include planning for the transfer of your pounds into Canadian dollars. For information on how to do this safely and save money when doing so – giving you more to spend on shopping – speak to currency exchange specialist Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Canada, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Canada Property Buying Guide

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