Anyone considering a visit to Cyprus in coming weeks, whether for a holiday or to look at property, should bear in mind the Cyprus Air Traffic Controllers’ Union, PASEEK, has plans to strike before the end of January.


PASEEK, is protesting its members inclusion in the austerity measures which the Cyprus government has devised to control the deficit. Specifically they object to their overtime being reduced arguing that their income derives not from state coffers but from fees paid by airlines for use of state airspace.

However, the government insists that, as state employees, they must not be exempt from austerity measures which are affecting all public sector workers.

Other measures include raising VAT to 17% from 15% in March, freezing public sector salaries and benefits and levying tax registered companies.

The measures are aimed at bringing the deficit below the EU threshold of 3% down form a previously projected 6%. The govenrment action is having a positive impact with the EU recently approving the island’s programme.

Meanwhile, PASEEK is in talks with the govenrment over it proposed strike action but to date, the union has announced it will hold four-hour strikes on January 18 and 25 from 1pm until 5pm at Paphos and Larnaca airports. The planned strikes follow on from industrial action last December when more than 50,000 passengers and 70 flights to and from Cyprus were affected on Thursday by a 12-hour strike of air traffic controllers.

If you’re planning to buy in or move to Cyprus and need to transfer a large sum of money, remember to use a currency specialist to exchange your pounds into euros. For more information, contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property Cyprus, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Cyprus Property Buying Guide