If you’re moving to New Zealand to study or work, your best bet is to head straight to Auckland, according to a recent survey by New Zealand’s Department of Labour.

Designed to discover why and how migrants settle in different parts of New Zealand, the government survey showed that on the whole migrants who chose Auckland specifically as a destination acted either on advice about educational possibilities or to take up a job offer.

International students are attracted to the city by the excellent reputation of its tertiary education sector, despite the country having more affordable options in other cities. Meanwhile, for migrants with a temporary visa, finding employment there was the determining factor. “I lined myself up a job, went home, packed up and came back,” was the response one survey interviewee gave.

The survey also showed that those things that brought migrants to Auckland in the first place were different to the reasons that made them stay. Remaining involved putting down roots, which meant family life, and cultural and social community life became important.

Anyone emigrating to a property in New Zealand should consider using a currency specialist, such as Smart Currency Exchange, to move their money there for them, as these typically offer better exchange rates than the banks.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in New Zealand, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘New Zealand Property Buying Guide