Property prices in France seem to be oblivious to the instabilities of the world’s stock market and the debt crisis which has hit Europe. French regions which are favourites with overseas investors have actually seen an increase in property prices.

Paris, Cote D’Azur and Bordeaux have all seen large increases in property prices; Paris the most with an astounding rise of 23% in the last 12 months, whilst Bordeaux rose by 3.5% and the Cote D’Azur by 6%.

“These statistics will come as a shock to many UK buyers who probably expected the French market to be contracting in the same way that prices generally are in the UK, with the exception of London” said a UK regulated mortgage broker, “However, it is important to note that French banks are traditionally more cautious in their lending than their UK counterparts and so France has simply not suffered the same violent shifts in property values that affected the UK, market moves which we now know were unsustainable.”

This is proof that France has not suffered as badly as other Euro zone countries at the hands of the current debt crisis. It will also entice those buyers who have been watching the market, to step forward and buy now, meaning property in France will be in even greater demand. Thus driving the prices up further. Great news for French property owners.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in France, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘France Property Buying Guide’