If you’re in the right job, now could be the ideal time to move to Oz, following an appeal by the country’s largest state for British workers to help fill a 150,000 labour force shortage.

Resource rich Western Australia, with a population of just two million, has thriving agricultural, manufacturing, construction, mining and automotive industries but not enough local workers to service them.

Removals specialist Anglo Pacific, which ranks Australia as its most popular destination, said: “Western Australia has 225 billion Australian dollars’ worth of investment opportunities on the table – around 150 billion pounds – yet if they don’t correct this labour deficit, then these investment opportunities will simply be lost. Western Australia’s recruitment drive is a serious matter.”

If your job is on the Western Australia Skilled Migration Occupation list, you have a good chance of a smooth entry into Australia. Visas are currently taking between nine and 12 months to process, while applications with state sponsorship nomination, which are given higher priority, taking four to six months.

Besides removals, another major consideration for anyone emigrating, not just to Australia but anywhere in the world, should be how they take their money with them. A specialist currency broker, such as Smart Currency Exchange (www.smartcurrencyexchange.com), will help you transfer your savings or make regular payments when you move abroad.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Australia, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Australia Property Buying Guide