According to new figures from Stats NZ, the number of approvals for the building of houses rose last month by 6.3%.

Taking our some seasonal factors, and omitting the numbers of apartments, the number of new homes which gained consent for building rose the 6.3% from June.

With the number of apartments was taken into consideration at the same time, the figure rose to a 13% increase.

Labour statistics manager, Kathy Connolly said, “The latest increase, excluding apartments, is enough to confirm a positive swing in the longer-term trend…This now indicates that February was the low point in the number of homes being approved. The picture is similar when apartments are included, but one more month of strong data will be required to confirm that these numbers have also turned.”

The total number of approved new builds this month came to 1,203, including 168 apartments. The consents in July comprised of $26 million dollars for non-residential work and $6 million for residential works; this included 36 new homes, 28 of which were properties intended to be homes for displaced residents.

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