This year, the education board in Turkey is set to admit more students than ever into universities. However this has caused concerns about whether the institutions will be able to handle an extra 50,000 pupils.

Head of the education trade union, Ünsal Yıldız said “Of course it is good that more and more people are having a university education, but it concerns us that the universities do not have the capacity to handle such numbers”.

This comes after the Higher Education Board announced they were raising the admittance quota by a further 51,394 this year, a 7.3% increase taking the total to 759,668. Yıldız believes that the raised in quota is due to political reasons rather than academic ones, therefore “A lot of academics are now complaining about new departments opened in their institution with an insufficient number of teaching staff”.

On the contrary, head of the Türk Eğitim-Sen union, İsmail Koncuk, believes that the quota raise is normal. He stated “Turkey’s population is increasing every year; of course we need to provide a university education for everyone. This is a right.”

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