Italy might not be the most ideal holiday destination for children. It is rich in culture, history and heritage, and swanning around museums and churches may well bore most children to tears.

There are however, lots of things that you can do to help to get your child excited whilst you are searching for Italian property. If you have a smart phone, you can download an app which teaches the basics of the Italian language. Your children will have fun learning to pronounce the words and then practicing them when you arrive!

A cheap, or even disposable, camera is a great way to get your child interested in the places they are going. Give them a project, maybe to make a photo diary of their trip. This will have them hunting for exciting things to take pictures of.

If all else fails, bribery tends to work a treat, and with ‘gelaterias’ dotted all over the place, you will never be too far away from a tasty ice cream bribery treat!

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Italy, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Italy Property Buying Guide