Cyprus is a very religious country and Easter is a fantastic time to experience the togetherness and celebration which surrounds this time. It is also a great way to meet and get to know people if you have recently moved to Cyprus.

Good Friday sees a procession take place in most churches/parishes, around 8.30pm. Easter celebrations continue until Easter Monday, when traditional Easter games will take place; a great way for your children to meet the local children and have fun.

Throughout the year there are loads of exciting events happening, including lots of exhibitions of art and sculptures, music festivals, and local market days. If you are a budding artist or musician, why not go to a few of these events and maybe enquire as to whether you can join the orchestra or exhibit your art? This would be a great way to make friends and possibly make a little money too!

For those that prefer to take in the scenery, walking tours are big in Cyprus, and a relaxing way to get to know your surrounding areas, whilst at the same time taking in some breathtaking scenery and stunning views and wildlife.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property Cyprus, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Cyprus Property Buying Guide