Stay in property in Portugal during Holy WeekBritons staying in property in Portugal over Easter may want to make sure they add Braga's Holy Week celebrations to their itinerary.

Taking place between April 21st and 24th, the event consists of a number of Easter rituals occurring over several days.

The biggest of these is a procession made up of men called Farricocos, who don hooded costumes and carry torches through the streets of Braga in homage to the reconciliation of public penitents that was a common feature of Easter celebrations until the 15th century.

Visitors to Braga can see a number of other interesting sights while staying in property in Portugal.

The city is home to one of the oldest cathedrals in the country, while attractions such as the Cordophone Museum – which displays a host of different stringed instruments owned by Domingos Machado, a master craftsman – lie just outside the destination's centre.

Meanwhile, the Marian Sanctuary Way offers potential for a daytrip incorporating visits to three sanctuaries dedicated to Mary that are also some fine examples of baroque architecture.

Stop dreaming, start searching! Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of property in Portugal.