It’s all okay – you can relax! The BBC has you covered…


You are going to be out of the country for The Royal Wedding (you don’t need me to explain WHICH Royal Wedding do you?) and you haven’t slept for weeks worrying about how you are going to miss the event of the century…but you might have known that the good old BBC would come to your rescue.

Evidently, no matter where you may find yourself on The Big Day, the BBC will ensure that you have live coverage of the event. The BBC America channel will broadcast the ceremony live in the USA, while the rest of the world can catch it on BBC Entertainment.

This means that literally billions will be watching – the figure of two and a half billion people has been mooted – the biggest viewing audience ever it is estimated. No pressure then for the young couple…

Needless to say, there are other events planned that will allow you to watch the wedding and relieve you of a few bucks while doing so. Evidently a company in New York is planning a special viewing party at the New York Palace on April 29th, which will allow you to watch the ceremony accompanied by a traditional English breakfast. Or you could join In with the festivities at Brooklyn’s Dumbo Improvement District, where a free British-style street party will kick off from 6 a.m. on the big day, with live coverage of the wedding.

So all is not lost if you are travelling to the USA on that property search on the 29th – you can now relax and take it all in your stride!

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in America, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘USA Property Buying Guide