When Carol Dunning was looking to buy a property near New York City she decided to test the waters in Jersey City. Enjoying a week in a friend’s flat Carol said, “It’s far less expensive than New York, plus I have the benefit of stunning views of the Manhattan skyline. And rather than live amongst the tall buildings and crowds of passing people I was more interested in relaxing while viewing the Big Apple from afar.”

Carol explained, “My friend’s flat had a great view of the boats as they ply their way up the river – I spent hours on his balcony, just gazing out across the water at the magnificent city. And getting to New York was easy – transport on the Jersey City side of the river is incredibly good, with many Metro stops serving the area.”

If you’re thinking of buying a property in or around the New York City area, consider Jersey City while prices are still lower than they were…you may just get lucky and net yourself a bargain!

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in America, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘USA Property Buying Guide