Have you ever made a list of ‘100 hundred things to do before you die’? Well, top of my list is to attend the Carnival in Venice. This spectacular carnival differs from most other carnivals in that it isn’t a parade but a time when all Venetians, plus of course many tourists, wandering around in historical costumes and magnificent masks.

I have missed it this year – but there is always next year! Mind you, that is just one of a long list of festivals and festivities that take place annually in Italy, all of which have their own charm and attraction. For instance, the one that I love the sound of in April is the rather quirky Palio della Rana or golden frog race, which takes place the Sunday after Easter in the town of Fermignano. If you can believe it, contestants race with frogs in tiny wheelbarrows – there is also a pageant and a fireworks display around the same time. I hastily add that no frogs are harmed in this race: indeed a vet checks that the frogs are fit and well both before and after the race!

And then, in April the food festivals begin all over Italy. If you, like me, are addicted to either or both artichokes (sagra or carciofi) and asparagus ( asparagi) then look out for a number of food festivals celebrating these delicious morsels in many parts of Italy in April. Worth relocating to Italy for in my opinion – right now, while artichokes and asparagus are in season…and the property prices are still down! That won’t last forever.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Italy, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Italy Property Buying Guide