'Be realistic' about expectations when moving to a property in SpainAnyone who is intending to retire to a property in Spain or elsewhere abroad has been told they should be realistic about what to expect from their dream.

Maria Johnston, director at Retirement Today, stressed that the realities of living abroad can be very different from those imagined following a holiday.

"I think we're all looking for a utopia. For some people it can be, but people have to be realistic," she stated.

Ms Johnston explained that one of the best ways to ensure that a move to a property in Spain meets all of your expectations is to do lots of research and visit the country at various times of year.

She noted that financial planning is a key part of the process to make sure that you can maintain the standard of living that you want.

Last month, Stefano Lucatello, senior partner at the International Law Centre, advised anyone moving to a non-English speaking country to learn the local language before moving as this will make the whole process much more straightforward.

Stop dreaming, start searching! Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of property in Spain.