More young people hoping to move to a property in AustraliaA large number of Brits between the ages of 18 and 25 are hoping to move to a property in Australia, new research has found.

Student Currency Exchange carried out a survey of almost 2,000 people and discovered that almost 65 per cent are considering leaving the UK.

Moving to a property in Australia was at the top of many respondents' lists, with other locations such as Canada and China also proving popular.

Adrian Jacob, from the organisation, commented: "It makes sense that young people are looking to go where there are more job opportunities and quite probably a better quality of life."

Earlier this month, Grant King, director of the Migration Bureau urged anyone who wants to emigrate to Australia to do all their research before applying as there are a finite number of visas available each year.

He added that it is essential for applicants to demonstrate the skills they can offer the country they are intending to move to.

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