Brits 'very happy' living in property in PortugalAn increasing number of Brits are considering the possibility of relocating abroad and moving to a property in Portugal, for example.

This is according to Rhiannon Davies, director of Shelter Offshore, who explained that the economic downturn has caused more people to look into emigrating.

"We are seeing strong levels of interest from people from all walks of life – all of whom would ideally like to 'escape' the UK," she stated.

According to the Happiness Index published by Post Office International Payments, 70 per cent of Brits living in property in Portugal and elsewhere overseas are "very happy" in their new homes.

Meanwhile, 60 per cent of those questioned claimed that they feel "a greater sense of community" overseas than they did in the UK.

Ms Davies commented: "I would say that by far the vast majority of Britons looking to leave are looking for a better quality of life abroad."

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