Enjoy Brittany's attractions from property in FrancePeople looking for a property in France may want to consider what is on offer in the country's northern regions after one British journalist described it as "like home – only better".

Writing for the Telegraph, Victoria Mather detailed a trip she took to Brittany, where she discovered the joys of Brest, Roscoff and Carantec.

She was particularly impressed by the seafood on offer at many of the restaurants she visited, taking the opportunity to sample lobster and mussels, among other dishes.

Another reason to consider staying in property in France's northern areas are its beaches, Ms Mather noted.

Commenting on the region, she stated: "Brittany is different, a little bit British, but without a speck of litter."

According to Tourisme Bretagne, there are many must-visit sights in the region, including the rows of standing stones at Carnac, the Pointe du Raz – France's equivalent of Land's End – and the Cap Frehel peninsula, which is perfect for walkers.

Stop dreaming, start searching! Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of property in France.