Employers seeking 'international savvy' may prefer candidates who have lived in property in FranceWith many employers increasingly seeking "international savvy" and second-language skills, time spent in property in France could be a step towards improved employability.

According to Teresa Tinsley, director of planning, delivery and communications at CILT, the National Centre for Languages, people with experience of speaking in a foreign tongue are increasingly desirable in the world of work.

"There is evidence that more and more employers want languages and cultural skills, and the international savvy that language learning brings," she says.

Knowledge of a second language could also be an indication of a superior educational history, as Ms Tinsley notes it is currently grammar schools and specialist colleges that show more evidence of delivering high-quality language education.

For those who did not attend a grammar school, spending some time in property in France could be an immersive way to brush up on speaking the tongue.

Whether chatting to friends and neighbours, or ordering a crepe from a street market stall, there are plenty of opportunities to engage in conversation at different ability levels while in France.

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