The city of San Diego will be providing financial help to California property buyers looking to install solar panels from July, it has been revealed.

From that time those who wish to place the green energy devices on their homes can obtain upfront grants from the authority to pay for them, with the cost being recouped through raised property taxes over a 20-year period, the city has revealed.

Such a move will help those keen on investing in California property who hope to make it as eco-friendly as possible, but do not have the additional funds to add renewable energy features.

San Diego is implementing the scheme under the state assembly’s bill 811, which permits such funding plans for home improvements.

The law was passed in 2008 and is one of a number of new initiatives across the US aimed at encouraging greener home energy.

Others include the amendment to the Florida constitution last year to ensure that those who fit green energy devices to their properties do not have to pay higher taxes because of the consequent increase in the value of such residences.

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