If you enjoy spending your free time looking through a pair of binoculars in a bid to catch a glimpse of a rare or particularly attractive bird then you’ll want to find property abroad in a location that allows you to keep up the pastime – and offers new opportunities.

One of the beauties of bird watching is that you can head out to see what you can find almost anywhere in the world, although some places certainly have a wider range of birdlife than others. As long as you remember your binoculars and maybe a book of the local species, you’re bound to enjoy bird watching from property in Australia just as much as you do in the UK.

Stay in Australian property for an exotic bird watching experience

Property in Australia is attractive for many reasons, although one has to be the sheer diversity of destinations available in this vast country. With everything from deserts and scrub land to tropical rainforests and breathtaking coastal regions, there’s bound to be an Australian property that you’ll fall in love with.

This diversity is also good news for bird watchers, because it offers the chance to see a wide range of species that you certainly wouldn’t encounter in the UK. Wherever you base yourself, you will find that open space and national parks are within easy reach.

If you enjoy the heat, you should look for property in Australia in northern Queensland – this will also mean that you are close to tropical rainforests teeming with life, including a vast array of colourful birds.

In fact, more than half of Australia’s bird species have been recorded within a 150-mile radius of Cairns, so if you are looking for a great spot to see all manner of creatures then property in Cairns is a good base.

Enjoy bird watching close to home from properties in France

If flying half way round the world to indulge your passion for bird watching seems like a bit too far then you may want to consider a number of European destinations for bird watching and France is home to some excellent spots.

Staying in property in the south of France will give you ample opportunities to get out and about with your binoculars, with mountainous regions as well as wetlands within easy reach. If you want somewhere the offers diversity then you should look for property in Languedoc.

From here you will be able to go bird watching in the Pyrenees where you will be able to find some stunning birds of prey, including the black kite, the booted eagle and even griffon vultures as the region is home to France’s largest colony of these birds.

Another excellent place to visit from your French property is Les Cevannes if you are on the look out for birds of prey, with golden eagles, black vultures and eagle owls all being found within this mountainous region. Meanwhile, the best place for wetland bird watching is the Camargue, a large salt-water swamp.

Here, you will be able to see familiar species such as the ringed plover alongside more exotic birds like the flamingo. There are numerous hides enabling you to watch the birds at any time of year, so your hobby won’t have to be restricted by the weather.

Select property in Turkey for a varied choice of bird watching sites

Staying in property in Turkey may not be your first instinct when it comes to looking for a great bird watching location but the country is home to a diverse range of habitats and therefore a wide selection of winged species.

Wherever the Turkish property you choose is located, you are bound to find some excellent bird watching opportunities close by and if you are unsure of where to go, the national parks are a great place to start.

Located near Bandirma, the Bird Paradise – or Kuscenneti – National Park is the perfect place to start. The lake here has been declared a bird sanctuary and despite only spanning 64 hectares, it is home to over 60 species of bird, making it one of the best locations for bird watchers in Turkey.

You will be able to spot spoonbills, pelicans, reed warblers and numerous different ducks and geese on a visit here, with many migratory species visiting the lake on their journey between Europe and Africa.