Trips to property in Italy or elsewhere can be stress-free with careful preparationTrips to property in Italy and other global destinations can run smoothly with a little forward planning, it is suggested.

Bob Atkinson, travel expert at, says that there are some precautions that should not be neglected when booking a trip overseas.

Among them is the suggestion to arrange travel insurance as soon as flights are booked, so that the cost is covered if the journey is cancelled by the airline.

However, it is not only the trip itself to property in Italy or elsewhere that can be given attention; there are related areas of expenditure where Mr Atkinson also identifies the chance to save money.

For instance, booking airport parking in advance could reduce the price by 60 per cent, while exchanging money away from the airport can see currency rates up to ten per cent higher.

These loose ends are often forgotten when trips are booked at the last minute, but should never be neglected, Mr Atkinson argues.

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