Safeguarding cash while staying in property in Spain can help to avoid disasterThe Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) has advised people travelling to property in Spain and other international destinations to take precautions to avoid being left with no cash.

Steve Jewitt-Fleet, head of consular communications for the organisation, explains that British Embassies can give holidaymakers a hand if they encounter difficulty – but cannot give handouts.

As a result, the FCO suggests taking out travel insurance capable of covering the cost of any money lost or crimes incurred while overseas.

Those staying in property in Spain could also make use of any hiding places or safes in their holiday home to keep a stash of money in case of disaster.

"It's important to remember, if you lose your money, we can help you get some transferred from home but we can't simply replace it," says Mr Jewitt-Fleet.

The FCO adds, however, that the majority of the 60 million overseas trips taken by Britons each year do not see any significant disruption.

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