Property in Italy's historic Tuscan towns lies along an undiscovered coastline Buying property in Italy's Tuscany region could allow Britons to enjoy an area that is beginning to gain attention of travellers worldwide.

Property in Italy's most famous destinations – including Florence and Siena – can be reached via the "main gateway" to Tuscany of Pisa, notes Italian State Tourist Board spokesperson Stefania Gatta.

She says: "Pisa is a nice city in itself; the Piazza dei Miracoli with its patisseries and the Leaning Tower – obviously the main attraction."

But it could be the region's coastline that attracts many holidaymakers to consider making a visit there.

In the south, names such as Argentario and Maremma are gaining prominence on the maps of the world.

Ms Gatta adds that, as well as the beautiful coastline itself, attractions into the autumn months include the historic towns – and the weather remains mild as the summer draws to a close.

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