People with disabilities could opt to buy property in Spain that can accommodate their accessibility needsDisabled travellers may want to consider buying their own property in Spain to guarantee the kinds of accessibility features required.

Brian Seaman, spokesperson for Tourism For All, a national charity which helps disabled people to access overseas accommodation, says that worries about accessibility can make it difficult for the organisation's users to take advantage of last-minute holidays.

"At this time of year there may be a lot more holidays around for people booking last minute," he comments.

But he adds: "Whether these bargains would be suitable for the people we help is open to question."

People who buy their own property in Spain could be able to make any necessary adjustments to make sure it is accessible – such as ensuring lifts are big enough, or opting for a ground floor dwelling.

Mr Seaman adds that many people may have been put off of booking a holiday in advance due to the eruption of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull.

Owning a property could help with such situations as well, allowing land transport to be arranged during times when flights are grounded.

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