The Tuscany property scene is the most popular of any region in Italy, a new study has revealed

In its latest findings the property index, which analyses adverts placed in the magazine, revealed that out of the 11,000 homes studied nearly a fifth (19.8 per cent) were in Tuscany, more than any other region.

It noted that many of these properties were large and expensive, including medieval townhouses or villas, but there were also a number of bargains.

These included properties such as small barns in need of restoration, which could be had for as little as €30,000 (£26,700).

Many Tuscany property buyers may be attracted to the region by its cultural traditions.

Events highlighting the regions’ heritage include the Balestro del Girifalco, an annual crossbow competition in Siena where different districts of the city compete against each other for a decorated banner and the best archer wins a golden arrow.

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