A festival dating back to 1371 may provide an attractive reason for those thinking of buying Umbria property to invest in the region.

The Feast in the town of Narni dates back to the 14th century occasion when the town’s laws were drawn up, an event commemorated in a traditional race to the ring.

This sees representatives of three different parts of town – each sporting their own distinct colours – race on horseback in medieval dress with lances, each aiming to be first to push their own weapon through the ring hung in the town square.

Accompanied by merriment, shows, festivities and a service in the cathedral, the event offers an insight into the local culture and traditions, something that may be of interest to those looking to buy Umbria property.

Other traditional events in the region include the Corsa dei Ceri in Gubbio, where every May three men race through the streets to the cathedral carrying wooden statues on their shoulders.

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