A unique bobsleigh opportunity awaits residents of property in France's la PlagnePublished by Robin Wilson

There are few locations for property in France that can provide the excitement of watching a bobsleigh hurtle down an icy track with only gravity at its back.

However, la Plagne is at the heart of the region in which property in France can cater for people keen to witness – or even take part in – the adrenaline-fuelled winter sport.

Louise Wilson, spokesperson for the Office de Promotion de la Grande Plagne, explains that the bobsleigh track there is the only one in France.

The "absolutely amazing" winter sport is just one of the ice-themed attractions that draw people to the area.

Ms Wilson suggests that top of the agenda for visitors should be a visit to the Igloo, which they can go inside.

The ice tower in Vanoise National Park in Champagny is a further wintry attraction, with a 22-metre ice-covered stepladder used by professional climbers and, Ms Wilson says, unlike anything else in the world.

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