Don't get caught without cash when driving to property in FranceThe broad acceptance of credit cards at petrol stations throughout the UK may not be replicated on the continent, making it important to take cash with you if driving to property in France.

Sarah Munro, head of Post Office Travel Money, explains that filling up at rural petrol stations can prove difficult in France if you want to pay by card.

"Places like rural France often may not take credit cards at the petrol station, so you want to make sure you have the right money with you," she says.

However, she adds that, with a little planning on such issues, holidays can be made more enjoyable by taking the hard work out of the time spent abroad.

While you may think that sticking to the motorways will ensure that you can buy fuel on your card while driving to property in France, you may end up paying a premium for doing so.

Ms Munro warns that motorway and airport prices can be higher, advising drivers to head to towns to refuel instead.

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